Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 10, 2016 - Page 9

698 Obituaries

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Year of death



Walter Riddle Obituary
Walter Riddle

Plant City, Florida

January 10, 2016 (83 years old)

Bruce Allen Jaeger Obituary
Bruce Allen Jaeger

House Springs, Missouri

January 10, 2016 (63 years old)

Larry McBroom Obituary
Larry McBroom

Crockett, Texas

January 10, 2016 (63 years old)

John Browning Obituary
John Browning

Winnsboro, Louisiana

January 10, 2016 (69 years old)

Sarah Kea Obituary
Sarah Kea

Fort Washington, Maryland

January 10, 2016 (78 years old)

Isabella Squicciarini Obituary
Isabella Squicciarini

Italy, Texas

January 10, 2016 (90 years old)

Marvin Bridgman Obituary
Marvin Bridgman

Monticello, Kentucky

January 10, 2016 (75 years old)

Daniel L. Mayo Obituary
Daniel L. Mayo

Piqua, Ohio

January 10, 2016 (83 years old)

Donna J. Mayo Obituary
Donna J. Mayo

Piqua, Ohio

January 10, 2016 (70 years old)

Antonio Aviles Obituary
Antonio Aviles

Brooklyn, Mississippi

January 10, 2016 (61 years old)

Eddie Bones Obituary
Eddie Bones

Pine Hill, New York

January 10, 2016 (58 years old)

Emma Lee McKenzie Obituary
Emma Lee McKenzie

Kansas City, Missouri

January 10, 2016 (79 years old)

Manuela Navarrette Reza Obituary
Manuela Navarrette Reza

Grace, Idaho

January 10, 2016 (85 years old)

Gladys Gillespie Obituary
Gladys Gillespie

Artesia, New Mexico

January 10, 2016 (95 years old)

Uradell P. Fillingim Obituary
Uradell P. Fillingim

Mobile, Alabama

January 10, 2016 (88 years old)

Marilyn Monzeglio Sohoel Obituary
Marilyn Monzeglio Sohoel

Hartford, Connecticut

January 10, 2016 (77 years old)

Rick Poindexter Obituary
Rick Poindexter

Calhoun, Missouri

January 10, 2016 (56 years old)

Guy Poindexter Obituary
Guy Poindexter

Grandview, Missouri

January 10, 2016 (53 years old)

Charles Floyd Obituary
Charles Floyd

Evansville, Indiana

January 10, 2016 (80 years old)

Mary Lou McPherson Obituary
Mary Lou McPherson

Poplar Bluff, Missouri

January 10, 2016 (82 years old)

Leland Powell Obituary
Leland Powell

Hills, Iowa

January 10, 2016

Billy Lee Gilliam Obituary
Billy Lee Gilliam

Raleigh, North Carolina

January 10, 2016 (73 years old)

Ruth Ann Merkel Obituary
Ruth Ann Merkel

Delhi, Iowa

January 10, 2016 (74 years old)

Keith Davis Obituary
Keith Davis

Bucksport, Maine

January 10, 2016 (51 years old)

Helen R. Foos Obituary
Helen R. Foos

Fremont, Ohio

January 10, 2016 (91 years old)

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