Obituaries in the United States of people who died on February 2, 2014 - Page 17

506 Obituaries

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Year of death



Ann Hildack Obituary
Ann Hildack

Newton Falls, Ohio

February 2, 2014 (97 years old)

Margarette Crislip Obituary
Margarette Crislip

Newton Falls, Ohio

February 2, 2014 (70 years old)

Doerga Strohl Obituary
Doerga Strohl

Jamestown, Kentucky

February 2, 2014 (81 years old)

Lois Manley Obituary
Lois Manley

Longmont, Colorado

February 2, 2014 (86 years old)

Idell Wipf Obituary
Idell Wipf

Phoenix, Arizona

February 2, 2014 (97 years old)

Joseph Johnson Jr Obituary
Joseph Johnson Jr

Independence, Missouri

February 2, 2014 (89 years old)

Mary Richardson Obituary
Mary Richardson

Joshua, Texas

February 2, 2014 (82 years old)

Mary Gable Obituary
Mary Gable

Rome, Iowa

February 2, 2014 (98 years old)

Kathleen Jackson Obituary
Kathleen Jackson

South, Kentucky

February 2, 2014 (87 years old)

Cecilia Kalili Hapakuka Obituary
Cecilia Kalili Hapakuka

Kula, Hawaii

February 2, 2014 (93 years old)

William Geisler Obituary
William Geisler

Birmingham, Alabama

February 2, 2014 (74 years old)

Cassi Churchwell Obituary
Cassi Churchwell

Slocomb, Alabama

February 2, 2014 (22 years old)

Lois McCravey Obituary
Lois McCravey

Taft, California

February 2, 2014 (84 years old)

Steve Hawkes Obituary
Steve Hawkes

Idaho Falls, Idaho

February 2, 2014 (61 years old)

Ernest Matthews Obituary
Ernest Matthews

Coventry, Rhode Island

February 2, 2014 (88 years old)

Christopher Drop Obituary
Christopher Drop

Arlington Heights, Illinois

February 2, 2014 (26 years old)

Charles Ray Obituary
Charles Ray

Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 2, 2014 (91 years old)

David Martinez Obituary
David Martinez

Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 2, 2014 (85 years old)

Dora Campbell Obituary
Dora Campbell

Creede, Colorado

February 2, 2014 (91 years old)

Maureen Houghton Obituary
Maureen Houghton

Del Norte, Colorado

February 2, 2014 (77 years old)

Donald Koppenhaver Obituary
Donald Koppenhaver

Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 2, 2014 (78 years old)

Shirley Andes Obituary
Shirley Andes

Elsmere, Nebraska

February 2, 2014 (70 years old)

Peter Beers Obituary
Peter Beers

Erlanger, Kentucky

February 2, 2014 (90 years old)

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