Obituaries in the United States of people who died on December 20, 2009

186 Obituaries

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Year of death



Joan Fox Obituary
Joan Fox

Watsontown, Pennsylvania

December 20, 2009 (71 years old)

Patricia Kramer Obituary
Patricia Kramer

Olney, Illinois

December 20, 2009 (72 years old)

Patricia Lane Obituary
Patricia Lane

Rapid City, South Dakota

December 20, 2009 (86 years old)

Betty Zimmerman Obituary
Betty Zimmerman

Arthur, North Dakota

December 20, 2009 (77 years old)

Marie Ellen Damme Obituary
Marie Ellen Damme

Clearwater, Nebraska

December 20, 2009 (65 years old)

Charles C. Farrell Obituary
Charles C. Farrell

Higginsville, Missouri

December 20, 2009 (91 years old)

Goldie Phillips Obituary
Goldie Phillips

Springfield, Missouri

December 20, 2009 (84 years old)

Steven Anderson Obituary
Steven Anderson

Springfield, Missouri

December 20, 2009 (42 years old)

Nancy Martens Obituary
Nancy Martens

Oro Valley, Arizona

December 20, 2009 (79 years old)

Thelma Smith Obituary
Thelma Smith

Trinidad, Texas

December 20, 2009 (91 years old)

Romeo Sugabo Obituary
Romeo Sugabo

Salinas, California

December 20, 2009 (50 years old)

Ruby Eaton Obituary
Ruby Eaton

Texarkana, Arkansas

December 20, 2009 (93 years old)

Elwin Duerr Obituary
Elwin Duerr

Coldwater, Ohio

December 20, 2009 (61 years old)

Max Edward Stephenson Obituary
Max Edward Stephenson

Washington, Texas

December 20, 2009 (92 years old)

Leta Montgomery Obituary
Leta Montgomery

Tullahoma, Tennessee

December 20, 2009 (73 years old)

Janie Byers Obituary
Janie Byers

Cleveland, Tennessee

December 20, 2009 (90 years old)

Kenneth Borwegen Obituary
Kenneth Borwegen

Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

December 20, 2009 (72 years old)

Alvaro Aviles Obituary
Alvaro Aviles

Green Bay, Wisconsin

December 20, 2009 (60 years old)

George Callanan Obituary
George Callanan

Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

December 20, 2009 (46 years old)

Howard Haynes Obituary
Howard Haynes

Christiansburg, Virginia

December 20, 2009 (73 years old)

Bernard F. Norton Obituary
Bernard F. Norton

Norwood, Massachusetts

December 20, 2009 (81 years old)

Patricia Evans-Moss Obituary
Patricia Evans-Moss

Sharon, Pennsylvania

December 20, 2009 (54 years old)

Geraldine Jackson Obituary
Geraldine Jackson

Baltimore, Maryland

December 20, 2009 (65 years old)

Brenda Faison Obituary
Brenda Faison

Baltimore, Maryland

December 20, 2009 (48 years old)

John Bott Obituary
John Bott

Madison, Indiana

December 20, 2009 (82 years old)

Russell G. Suddoth Obituary
Russell G. Suddoth

Logansport, Indiana

December 20, 2009 (82 years old)

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