Isaac Ens Obituary
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Isaac Ens on December 9, 2020. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and we were very fortunate to have the time with him that we had.
Isaac was born April 8, 1941 and was the second child of six, Pete (Marge), Lena, Betty, Dave, and John (Martha). He grew up on a dairy farm in Martensville area and went to Virtue School. In 1966 he was baptized and Mom and Dad joined the Mennonite Conference Church in Warman. He enjoyed fishing, especially ice fishing in his ice shack as well as curling with his many friends. He and Mom went to church in Mont Nebo and enjoyed many sermons by Pastor Bill Klumpenhower and enjoyed the fellowship with the church family.
He will be lovingly remembered by his wife Rose; his sons Bruce (Joan), Barry and Brad (Shannon); his daughter Donna (Jesse) and daughter-in-law Ida; his grandchildren and great-grandchildren Lisette (Adam), Alisha, Tyler (Laiya), Harley, Jordyn, Selina, Kristian, Anica, Hannah, Atticus, and many nieces, nephews, family and friends of all ages.
He was predeceased by his son Brian Ens; granddaughter Dawn Ens; by his parents Isaac K. and Elizabeth Ens, his father and mother-in-law Jacob S. and Tena Friesen; sisters-in-law Joyce Ens, Carol Friesen and Darlene Friesen; brothers-in-law Dave Penner, Jake Giesbrecht, Elmer Friesen, Leander Friesen; and his nephew Ron Ens.
We will always hold you very dear in our hearts.