Elizabeth Aureen Brown Obituary
Passed away peacefully and with grace on Thursday November 7th, 2024 at the grand age of 97.
Pre-deceased by her husband Fred (2000) and her daughter Patti Scott (2010) (d Doug 2005).
Loving mother of Paul Brown (Yvonne) and Elizabeth Kagazchi (Bill). Most loved grandmother of Donald (Marnie), Katherine (Kelly), Lindsay (Kiron), Johnathan (Taylor), and Soraya. Great-grandmother of Emma, Elizabeth, Nora, Auryn, Theodore and Luna. Betty will be fondly remembered by her niece Linda (nee Eastwood) Whittingham (Ron) and family in Australia.
Visitation at Barnes Memorial Funeral Home, 5295 Thickson Rd. N. Whitby on Tuesday December 17th, from 6 - 8 pm and on Wednesday from 11 - 12 pm. Celebration of Life at Barnes Chapel on December 18 th at 12:00 noon.
A private interment service will take place at Salem Cemetery.
Private family interment will take place at Salem Cemetery, Pickering.