Kimberly Sue (Bahnman) Selg Obituary
It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Kimberly Sue Selg who was granted her angel wings on September 14th, 2020 at 3:33pm. Her final days were spent surrounded by family and friends that Kim had touched in some small way throughout her short, yet very memorable life. Her captivating smile, laughter and beautiful blue eyes brought so much joy to our family.
Kim’s life would seem too short to many, but those who were touched by her understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives. Kim could accomplish anything she set her mind to do. She enjoyed listening to her favourite music, being with her children and spending time outside during the warm summer months.
She was loved and cherished by many people including: her daughter Natasha Selg; her son Luke Selg; her Mother Marilyn Bahnman; her father Al Bahnman; her brother, Jason Bahnman (JB) and all of her many friends.
A celebration of life will be taking place in the upcoming weeks, please contact family members in regard to attending, as scheduling has not yet been determined at this time.
September 17, 2020
Marilyn Adele Bahnman lit a candle
September 17, 2020
Natasha Selg lit a candle