Ronnie Mitton Obituary
It is with great sadness the family announce the sudden passing of Ronnie on September 8, 2023, at Sunnybrook Hospital at the age of 63. Ronald was born in Oakville, Ontario but spent most of his life in Muskoka. Ronnie leaves behind his living partner Louise Richard and stepchildren Samantha Salverda (Kyle) and Leslie Salverda and grandchrildren. Survived by his brother David Mitton, nieces, nephews and great-neices and nephews. Predeceased by his dad Cliton Mitton, mom Lorraine Mitton, brother Gary Mitton and sister Karen Mitton.
Ronnie was hard working, caring, loving and such a free spirit that you could find him on a Saturday with a cold beer and dancing without a care in the world. He spent a lot of his time with the grandkids baking cakes, carving pumpkins or just hanging outside. He worked hard and took pride in every job he did.
Ronnie will be missed by so many friends and family both near and far but never forgotten. A celebration of life will be held later.