Judy Gaudon Obituary
It is with great sadness that the family of the late Judy Gaudon announce her passing at the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital on Thursday, July 13th, 2017 at the age of 66 years. Leaving to mourn with fond and loving memories are her two daughters: Gail (Lorne) Gerwing of Yellowknife, Gizelle (Paul Grismer) Gaudon of Yellowknife; two brothers : Ted (Eunice) Hynes of Stephenville, Kenneth Hynes of Port au Port; three sisters: Millie Truitt of Port au Port, Joan (Bob) Hynes- Nelson of Port au Port, Sharon (Merrill) Belch of Port au Port; two grandchildren: Spencer and Joelle; sisters-in-law: Kay (Paul) Lidstone, Louise (Barry) White; brothers-in-law: Pat Morrison, Urban (Irene) Gaudon; and special cousin Phyllis Joy.
She was predeceased by her parents Cecil and Monica Hynes, husband Melvin, sister Anne, infant siblings Sheila and Tommy, brother-in-law Fred Truitt. Visitation will take place on Sunday, July 16th from 2-4 and 7-9 pm at Maria Regina Parish Church in Port au Port East. Funeral service will take place on Monday, July 17th at 2pm with interment to follow at the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Berry Head.
Flowers or donations to the M.S.