Dillon Taylor Obituary
It is with great grief and sadness to announce the unexpected passing of Dillon Taylor on Sunday June 16, 2024. Dillon was a strong passionate soul who strived not only to do the best for himself, but the others around him. He has touched the hearts of many whether they be family, friends, or anyone who has had the chance to meet him during his journey. We know that he will be sorely missed to all in his life.
Dillon worked for Champion Concrete & Flooring Inc., and was very passionate about his work. Dillon proudly graduated from the Riverview High School in 2022. Dillon was a people person, making friends everywhere he went. He enjoyed travelling, being in the great outdoors and hanging out with his friends and family. Dillon was very generous and continued giving after his death by organ donation to help those in need.
Dillon is survived by his mother, Maggie Gagnon of Campbelton; brothers, Zackary Gagnon of Riverview, Joshua Taylor of Campbelton, and his twin brother Jacob Taylor of Balmoral; aunts, Lisa Gagnon Meers (Adrien) of ON, Angel Gagnon (Darren Catellier) of ON, Lydia Middelkemp (Graem) of BC, and Marie-Eve Gagnon (Pascal Levesque) of Moncton; uncle Joel Gagnon (April) of Campbelton; grandmother, Marie-France Racine of Atholville; father, Michael Taylor of Michigan; also by many aunts, uncles, cousins, and large circle of friends who were like family.
Dillon was predeceased by his grandfather Hermile Gagnon in 2013.
A celebration of life will be held at Fergusons Riverview Funeral Centre, 214 Pine Glen Rd. Riverview on Saturday June 22, 2024 between the hours of 2:00pm - 5:00pm.
In memory of Dillon, donations made to a go fund me in his honour would be appreciated (https://gofund.me.). All thoughts and prayers will be with Dillons family and friends during these challenging times.
Funeral arrangments have been entusted to Ferguson Riverview Funeral Centre, 214 Pine Glen Rd. Riverview, http://www.fergusonsriverview.com.