Constance (Connie) Patricia Risko Obituary
Passed on March 28, 2024. It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved Constance (Connie) Patricia Risko on March 28, 2024.
Left to mourn is her sister- in- law Cathy Risko and her family, Glen (Iris) McDonald her niece Leah (Carter-Lee) McDonald, close cousin Allen Baryski, good friends Anne and Lydia along with many friends she met throughout her life.
Connie brought light and joy to our lives through her love for bingo, music and baking. Her laughter, kindness and warmth touched the hearts of all who knew her. As you reunite with your mother, father and brother know that all of you are missed and forever loved. May you all find peace and eternal joy in the embrace of the heavens above.