Randell Blair's obituary , Passed away on January 15, 2021 in Prince George, British Columbia

Randell Blair

March 10, 1952 - January 15, 2021 (68 years old)

Prince George, British Columbia

Randell Blair's obituary , Passed away on January 15, 2021 in Prince George, British Columbia

Randell Blair

March 10, 1952 - January 15, 2021 (68 years old)

Prince George, British Columbia

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Randell Blair Obituary

It is with heavy hearts and in loving memory that we regret to inform you of the death of Randell Blair of South Hazelton, BC. A beloved husband, father, grandfather, uncle, friend and proud pet owner. He passed away in Prince George peacefully with his daughter to ease his passing on January 15, 2021, at the age of 68.

Left to cherish his memory are his family, friends, and furry friends. Randy found comfort in his family and his animal companions.He enjoyed the company of his dogs and in particular one cat, who dearly misses him right now. He loved reading Westerns and story time with the kids and grandkids.

He had an amazing sense of humor and very often was amusing those around him with jokes and wit. He had a relentless sense of adventure. Those who knew him will remember how helpful and genuine he was in all situations.

A man of integrity, he was a problem solver who took on difficult tasks at home and in the community. The Hazelton's landscape drew him in 31 years ago and was still a part of his love for the area years later. He shared a great love story with his wife, Belinda of 45 years.

His great love lives on in our memories and hearts. He is survived by his children Brent (daughter in law Crystal and grandson Magnus), Christin (son in law Mike), Robin (son in law Matt, grandson Walter, and granddaughter Isobella), Samantha (son in law Chad, Granddaughter Diana, and grandson Theodore), Emma and Spencer. His sister Valerie and her children Neil (grandnephew Eli and grandniece Lydia, Teresa (grandnephew Aiden) and Colin.

His brother Ken and his Nephew Mike. His Mother in law Ida , sister-in-law Tracey (brother-in-law Scott) and brother-in-law Wane (sister-in-law Melchie). His friends Tommy, Kirsten, Gold pan and Maureen.

Light a candle to honor the life of Randell Blair. He will be greatly missed.

Created by : Samantha Blair

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