Victor Boeur Obituary
May 4th, 2022 Victor Lyle Boeur passed in hospice care after a short fight with cancer. Vic was 86 years old and lived with pep and verve in everything he approached. He had a passion for being on the move, starting work traveling with race horses, to years working on the CPR, until eventually becoming an iron worker. Even in retirement Vic became a security guard half the year and driving with his wife Delphine to stay in Yuma for the other half of the year. Vic was a city boy from Vancouver who settled in North Oyster after marrying Del, where they raised 3 sons: Bradly, Jamie, and Mikel. He became a part of the community and was soon coach to a van full of kids taking them to a soccer or softball game. Vic found a way to connect with a decade of kids in the area who would go out of their way to share a memory with him.
Vic was one of the most outgoing people you could meet, knowing him for 40 minutes or 40 years let you know the good-natured person behind his smile. He will be greatly missed... and the Canucks will never learn to clear their own end without his yelling at the TV screen.