Daniel Kucera Obituary
It is with deep sadness that we announce the recent passing of Daniel Kucera, who left us on September 23, 2022, aged 91 to join his beloved wife Vera Kucera in Heaven and to meet his departed family members, who passed many years earlier.
Daniel, since coming to Canada with his wife and daughter, Ivana, worked incredibly hard to provide a good and stable life for his family. He worked for BC rail for 27 years, (and for a short while when it became CN Rail). He retired only when a shoulder injury prevented him from working until age 65.
He enjoyed working and travelling to warm destinations in the latter years of his life, right up until his wife had a major stroke at the age of 69. His world changed forever when she passed in January of 2020, but his loss and sadness has now been replaced by the loving Grace of God who welcomed him home.
I will always miss you and love you with all my heart Papa. I will see you and Mom one day and we will all be together again.-Ivanka (Kucera) Holmes Service Schedule Private service arrangements have been made.
Memorial Gifts The family has not designated a preferred charity at this time.