Stephen Ward Robert Bramfield Obituary
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our brother, Mr. Stephen Ward Robert Bramfield of Red Deer, Alberta, at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre, Intensive Care Unit, on Sunday, January 21, 2024 at the age of 51 years. He was surrounded by love when he took his last breath. Stephen was born on July 23, 1972, in Edmonton, and was adopted by Sandra Braun and Robert Bramfield at two years of age. Stephen was a part of a larger blended family, surrounded by his older brothers, Don and Gord; his older sisters, Wendy and Tara; his stepmother, Linda, and his father, Robert. Other surviving family members include his nieces, Abigail, Brooke, Kyla and Brianna; his nephews, Luke and Zachary and his aunt, Norine and her wife, Alice. Stephen spent the majority of his life in central/southern Alberta where he attended Alix-MAC School and graduated from Lacombe High School. In Stephen's adult life, he lived temporarily in Edmonton and eventually settled down in Red Deer. Although Stephen's life was fraught with struggles, he still found a way to have a positive impact on the lives of many. Stephen certainly had the 'gift of the gab' and loved to tell a good joke or story. Stephen worked sporadically at various jobs, such as an usher at a theatre, at a hotel and building houses. Stephen also enjoyed creating collages and mandala art. Stephen had a strong desire to connect with his Cree roots. He met his biological brothers, Eldon and Darwin Cardinal and this connection was empowering for him. Although Stephen did not marry, he had a significant other, Jenine Michelle Rabbit Matson, and together, they had a beautiful daughter, Haley Joyce Hannah Matson.
Stephen will be lovingly remembered by his family and dear friends. He was predeceased by his stepmother, Linda Bramfield. Stephen was served well by the communities of the Safe Harbour Society, Potter's Hands Ministries, and the Soup Kitchen. On behalf of Stephen and his family, we thank you for the support, love, and compassion that was bestowed upon our brother. A Celebration of Stephen's Life will be held at Potter's Hand Ministries Church, 5202 – 53 Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta on Friday, January 26, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. If desired, Memorial Donations in Stephen's honor may be made to the Safe Harbour Society at or Potter's Hands Soup Kitchen at Arrangements in care of Parkland Funeral Home and Crematorium, 6287 – 67 A Street (Taylor Drive), Red Deer. 403.340.4040.