Damien James Desjarlais Obituary
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Damien James Desjarlais of Ashmont, formerly of Sylvan Lake, on November 4, 2023 at the age of 19 years. He will be lovingly remembered by his mother, Carrie Bergum (Darren Hartley); siblings, Amary Hartley, Desmon Desjarlais & Annie Desjarlais; step-siblings, Hunter & Aiden; Grandma, Brenda Kovac & Poppa, Brent Fukuda; Grandpa, Jim Bergum; Kokum, Sylvia Lachapelle; numerous aunts, uncles & cousins. Damien was predeceased by his father, Larry Desjarlais. Cremation will take place, and a Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, November 18 at 1:00 p.m. at Grace Gardens Funeral Chapel, St. Paul, with Reverend Father Marvin Tanquerido officiating. To send condolences online, please visit